Whaddaya mean, ‘limited edition’?

My prints are limited edition, meaning I name a number ahead of time of how many prints I’ll make, and once they’re all gone I won’t make more of that same print.

I do this cos I don’t want to just reprint the same pictures over and over.

Do you sell books/zines/bookmarks/other stuff?

On occasion. They’re made in batches, but not necessarily limited edition, so if I feel like putting it up again I will.

Do you do commissions?

Not at the minute.

Do you exhibit your work?

Only bits and pieces so far, but I’d love to. You can contact me about exhibiting work if you have any leads.

Can I buy original art?

Sometimes. Most of my work is more suited to selling as prints, but if there’s an ‘Enquiries’ button under a piece on the Art page and if you’re interested in it you can send me a message.